It is time to make it official – for months I’ve been hinting at it, but I’ve been waiting until the time was just right to make the official announcement.
Pure Event Planning & Design is now offering wedding and event decor rentals.
Wow. That feels weird and crazy to say!

Since moving to the Duluth Area, wedding vendors and clients have been asking me to launch a rental line. After years of resisting, it is time to join the party – literally.
I know there will be questions. Lots and lots of questions.
Why Now?
You. You kept asking and encouraging me to take a leap of faith into the rental world. I resisted. I pushed back. I said no. One day I remembered how much I HATE saying no.
My first boss in the wedding industry always said, “It is easier to say yes than no. Find a way to say yes.” I was saying no multiple times a week when people would call about decor rentals. One day, I woke up and remembered my boss telling me to find a way to say yes. That day, I called a friend (who owns her own rental company) to talk me out of rentals – she wouldn’t do it! She told me that it was time for me to have my own rental line.
So, here is my yes – one giant (and a little scary) YES!

What decor will you have?
Wedding centerpieces, backdrops, ceiling drapes … if you can decorate a space with it and it is pretty, I will have it. There are some items (like linens) that I do not intend to keep in inventory, but only because I have some great linen partners in this area.
I do have some of our inventory listed online – check it out here. However, my inventory is likely to grow by the week. Even since getting the photos done of some of the inventory, I’ve added new items. I take TERRIBLE photos, which is why they are not yet listed online. Let’s schedule a time to chat about your vision for your wedding and I’ll make it a reality!
What will your prices be?
I do have some items with pricing on my website. Check them out here. Primarily, rental items and draping will be quoted based upon your specific needs. Pure Event Planning & Design has always been focused on being customer focused and driven by the individual needs of my clients – that is not going to change.
Let’s get together and dream about your event. Then, let me put together a plan that matches your budget.
What type of events will you do?
Weddings have always been my main focus and that will remain the same. However, if you are throwing a party and want my team to decorate it – count us in!! Corporate, baby showers, bridal showers, birthdays … if you are planning it, I can decorate it.
I thought you already did rentals?
Not really. Every now and then a client would ask me to rent something to them and I did my best to say yes. Other than that, I haven’t done any rentals. It is not very common for wedding planners in the Twin Cities (where I got my start) to have decor rentals since there are a ton of different decor companies to choose from. It has taken me awhile to accept that the Duluth market wants planners to have rentals, so I’m finally jumping in with both feet.

How are you going to do it?
Enthusiastically but very carefully. And by delegating. That’s why I’ve been working on this for months – okay, nearly a year now – without much discussion about it. I’ve been reaching out to trusted friends with successful rental businesses and asking 1000 questions (you know who you are and I am SO grateful). I’ve been shopping a ton and organizing our storage space. [Note: I have never been so thankful that we purchased a farm with too many buildings. God works in funny ways – he was just laying the groundwork for this business. I have a whole building to keep my rental items in at zero additional cost that is 30 feet from my home office building – yes, because I have a building for that too.]
I am also growing my team – in addition to three assistant planners for this summer, I am adding a Design Specialist to the team. This person will be meeting with potential clients to dream up amazing decor and will be helping with a ton of the communication about event rentals.
What about Theo?
For those of you that don’t know – my 19 month old son, Theo, works from home with me. Okay – he eats, runs around, throws the occasional tantrum and naps while I work. This has been my biggest struggle with the rental business. I want to be a work from home mom. I want to teach my son that if you work hard, you can have anything. I also want to show him that women are strong. So, for now he is going to stay at home with me.
As I said before, I am bringing in help. Emails will still get answered in one business day and I will still get to spend some weekends at home soaking up my family. Occasionally, Theo will be heard babbling in the background when I’m on the phone. If that doesn’t fit you, that’s okay with me. I can refer you to some other awesome rental companies. I won’t hide what I am – a working mom.

Now I have only one question for you …
Who is going to be my first official customer?
Some Thank You’s
At the risk of sounding like I am giving an Academy Awards acceptance speech, there are some people that need to be acknowledged. If cheesy thank you’s aren’t your thing, feel free skip this!
I know I am going to accidentally leave some people off of this list, so please just know if you helped me get here, THANK YOU. Pure Event Planning & Design wouldn’t be possible without so many people.
First, to the amazing wedding vendors turned friends in Duluth – thank you for accepting me three years ago into your family. Getting to know you all better – especially in the last year – has been incredible. I am excited to see this market continue to grow with such an amazingly talented pool of vendors.
Lindsay, Charlene, Jackie + Mike – you all taught me the wedding industry. Thanks for taking a chance on me eight years ago. Mike, thanks for being my first “work husband” and for teaching me the ins and outs of catering. I can honestly say that without you all, Pure wouldn’t be a reality.
Kellie Rae, I know you are going to HATE this shoutout. However, you made my rental collection look as pretty in photos as it is in real life – that isn’t easy. Thank you. Moreover, thanks to you and Abby for being my friends and for always being willing to go on crazy event adventures with me. Theo appreciates that you both let him tag along too!
Sam of Art by SJ Neielson. Woman, you have a talent and I am so thankful you are sharing it with the world. Thank you for making my new logo everything and then some. When I say I cried when I saw it, I mean it. I didn’t think it was possible to make something so perfect, but you managed it. Thank you.
Erin, thank you for all of the answers to my millions of questions. Thank you for being willing to share with me and for talking horses with me when I was super stressed. Your friendship means the world to me.
Lexi, your positivity and enthusiasm over the last weeks have kept me going. I cannot wait to see you grow into your role as Lead Planner + Design Specialist. That’s right lady, you’ve been promoted. Cannot wait to watch you grow in your new roles. You’ve earned this. [Yes, this is the most millennial way to find out about a promotion, but I figure you will love it this way. Call me when you read this!]
Mallory, I’d be lost with out you. You are my confidant, my friend and the woman who gets me like no one else. Thanks for reminding me this week that I’m not crazy. And that ice cream solves all problems.
My family – thank you for the calls this week checking in to make sure I’m still doing okay. Thank you for the feedback on the logos. Mom + Dad, thanks for teaching me that you can have your cake and eat it too – you just have to make two cakes! I love you all and am blessed to have you.
Finally, Cole and Theo – my two best men. Thanks for putting up with the long hours over the last month. Thanks for understanding my mood swings and my stress. Cole, thank you for picking up the slack. I love you both and I cannot wait to get back to extra family time – starting today!

Photography by Kellie Rae Studio & Laura Ivanova Photography

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